One Thousand gifts (part 2)

holy experience

I started this in January but have been unable to continue on. I hope to be able to be more consistent in this.
My first post on this is here.

Continuing on what I am grateful for the past few months...

11. 2-week visit of my brother from Manila
12. spring break vacation at Oceanside with my aunt and uncle
13. tulips that my husband give me on special occasions
14. good friends who invite us over for yummy steak dinners.
15. birthdays of my children
16. my mom's safe flight back from Manila
17. an awesome celebration of our 10th wedding anniversary
18. the beautiful sisterhood my girls are developing with each other
19. we were able to visit good friends at Turlock
20. good books
21. we're done with our math lessons
22. DH has started his fellowship
23. despite the deep decrease in income, we have not had to dip into our savings yet
24. our mortgage was refinanced and we were able to save a couple of hundreds (it's not as much of savings as we would have wanted but it's still something)
25. DD1 has learned to read and is doing well in addition & subtraction
26. the girls have made good friends with other homeschool kids
27. our co-op is working out well for us
28. girls dinner with good friends
29. piano lessons for DS and DD1
30. DD2 and DD3 are back at library storytime
31. Little Flowers Girls Club
32. Cub Scouts
33. BIL who took DS camping with the scouts when DH could not because of work sked
34. Stations of the Cross presentation by the kids
35. my youngest bro's short visit before flying to Rwanda for mission
36. new bedside tables
37. godmothers who have made it a point to spend time with their goddaughter and make her feel ultra special on her birthday
38. DS' diorama project received a perfect score
39. protection for DD2 when her face hit the edge of the door
40. DH's commitment to provide for our family