It Would Have Been Enough For Us
Dayenu.It would have been enough for us.
This is a song sung by the Jews during their Sedar meal. As I understand it, it is sung like a folk song for children but the meaning and truth behind it is beautiful. It is a song of gratitude. It retells the story of God's love for His people by taking them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.
During Lent this year (I know this post is way overdue), I could not help but feel this overwhelming gratitude to God. And so my list of gifts continue...
114. Had God given us our 4 children and not blessed us with one more, it would have been enough for us.
115. Had He put the desire to home school in my heart and not put the same desire in my children’s hearts, it would have been enough for me.
116. Had He provided for our needs and not given me the chance to rest because of bed rest, it would have been enough for me.
117. Had he given me the chance to rest but not sent my parents to help, it would have been enough for me.
118. Had he sent my parents to help but not sent sisters to bring us meals or take my kids out, it would have been enough for me.
119. Had he stopped my preterm labor and not allowed my pregnancy to reach full-term, it would have been enough for me.
120. Had he allowed my pregnancy to reach full-term but not given me a quick labor, it would have been enough for me.
121. Had he given me a quick labor and not given me a healthy, beautiful baby girl, it would have been enough for me.
122. Had he sustained DH through his fellowship program and not given him 2 months time off to recharge after it, it would have been enough for us.
123. Had He given DH an unexpected "paternity" leave and not provided for our financial needs, it would have been enough for us.
124. Had he given DH any other job and not a job as a PA at Kaiser (something we had been praying for), it would have been enough for us.
Anything would have been enough for me but the Lord chose (and chooses) to give more. If He gave me only what I desired, it would have been enough for me. Yet, he has blessed me over and beyond my desires and prayers. He has given me a life more than I imagined for myself, His generosity far more than what I dared to ask.
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