Project 365 Hiccup

I've been remiss in posting my project 365. I will be honest and say that I've missed a lot of days. I'm still continuing on with my Project Life though. What I'm doing is not necessarily doing a picture a day but more like at least 7 pictures a week.

There are days when 1 photo a day is not enough. And there are days when there just isn't any story to tell that day. My DSLR is also a huge thing to lug around our everyday activities so I've asked DH if he could buy me a point and shoot. I asked him earlier this year and never really got an answer. Well, guess what he got me for my birthday? Yup! I'm thrilled not so much because I got a new camera but because he listened and remembered. It feels good to know that he pays attention even when sometimes I feel like he does not.

So, anyway, with my new handy camera, I hope that my Project 365 slideshow on my sidebar will have all-new photos soon. Be on the lookout for it. :)