Mad Men

I know I'm late into the Mad Men bandwagon but I've just finally gotten caught up. AMC held a marathon of Mad Men episodes from the last 3 seasons. Thank goodness for the digital TV recorder as I was able to record the episodes and watch them at my own time. I finally reached the season 3 finale earlier today so I am now all caught up. And just in time too for the season 4 premiere on Sunday. :)

It's a very interesting show. It's set in the 60's. Everyone seemed well-dressed. The men were so debonair. They looked so dapper. What I noticed too was that they all looked like everyone had a full head of hair. LOL! Everyone's hair just seemed so lush and thick and nice. :) Definitely no need for hair loss treatment for men. I know it's a TV show so it's probably not an accurate portrayal of the era. Hehe.

Anyway, who else watches this series? What do you think?