Back from Camping

It's been a week since DS and I got back from camping with the Scouts. Yes, I survived! LOL! It was really tiring but I gotta admit, I had fun. The daytime was no problem really. The nighttime was a different matter. I had a particularly difficult time sleeping on the 1st and 3rd nights. I was actually able to sleep a few hours at a time on the 2nd night. I suppose my body was just so tired and banged up that I would have fallen asleep standing up.
There were 3 other moms that came with their sons. It made me feel more comfortable. What made it cool too was that these moms were fun to hang out with. I was able to get to know them better. During down times, we played cards, talked about a whole range of topics from school options to 7-dfbx reviews to how we met our spouses, etc. Before going to camp, I asked DS if I should bring a book to read. He told me not to because he knew that I would just be chatting it up with other parents. Doesn't he know me well?!