A New baby...

not for me, but for 2 friends and I am sooo excited for them. It is both their first babies.

One of my friends had a baby boy. She as the one I gave the diaper cake too, if you recall a few posts ago. They eventually had to perform a C-section because she was not progressing. Nevertheless, in the end, her beautiful baby boy was born, healthy and without complications. Do fathers still hand out Backwoods cigars when a son is born? I've only heard of that practice here in the US but have never really encountered it. That isn't very healthy now, is it?

My other friend has not given birth yet. I just learned of the pregnancy this week and I am beyond thrilled for her. She miscarried a few months back and was really heartbroken. She is now entering her 2nd trimester, have heard the baby's heartbeat and everything seems going well. I pray that this will come to full-term and that they will be blessed with a healthy baby in April.

All these babies being born is somehow making me miss having a baby in the house. Right now, it seems crazy given that my life is so hectic. But I'm really missing the baby days. Sigh.