To Bryce Canyon We Go

As a last hurrah for summer, our men's and women's group in our community will be going on a weekend trip to Bryce Canyon in Utah on the 3rd weekend of August.

I am personally thrilled because it will be my first time to go there. It will also be the first time for us as a group to go anywhere on vacation. Our group leader has a timeshare and they've booked us a unit. We'll split the cost of the 2nd unit among 3 families.

It's going to be a challenge for all 4 families to travel together. We all have different ways of doing things. DH and one other dad are more the "go-go-no-stopping" types while the other one prefers to make stops because his kids get antsy riding for too long. I was just telling them the other day that we better still be friends after this trip! LOL! It could be quite easy to get on each other's nerves now, wouldn't it? I bet that it's going to be a real test for our Christian virtues. Hahaha.

If we do survive this trip with our friendships intactm we could do it again and make it an annual thing. One of the other moms has even suggested going to Yellowstone. I think that would require renting an RV (preferably rv extended warranty) but it could be something we could do when the kids are a little older. Some other suggestions were to go to Sequioa and Yosemite.

First, we have to survive this trip then we'll take about next year.

You know I'll be here to post pictures after the trip so watch out for that!