2008 - Year for Family

08review - year of family
Originally uploaded by tanjuakio

I had planned on doing a 2008 scrap yearbook with monthly summaries. I've made the pages for January, February, May & June. I'll be working on finishing my other pages soon. Anyway, this page will be page 1 since all the monthly summaries are double spreads.

I made this page for ScrapArtist's ArtTherapy Thursday. Alice provided the template which you can pick up here.

As I mentally reviewed the past year, what stuck to me was the period of personal lows I was in during the year. However, as I looked through my photographs (thanks to Project 365, I had TONS!), I saw that the sad part was but a small part of the year compared to the many happy times. And it really was a year spent with family. We started the year with a double birthday celebration - DS' 7th & DD3's 1st. We were able to go to Disneyland numerous times as a family. My parents arrived. We vacationed in Sedona and met with my aunt & uncle. We went to San Diego and met with another set of relatives. My youngest brother came to visit in August. MIL arrived in September. And of course in December, we celebrated the holidays with both sides of our families complete! If I cannot see that the year has been blessed for us, then I would be such an ungrateful child of God.

So, I am thankful. I thank God for allowing me to see beyond my personal filters and pain the beauty and blessings He has given my family. And I am thankful for this hobby that allows me to document and reflect on our lives.


Gabi | Monday, January 12, 2009 3:17:00 PM

Hi Joy,

you had a wonderful year for sure. I love your page, I have to make some year-in-review LO as well :)

You've been tagged.
How it works:
1 - Link back to the blog that tagged you
2 - Make a list of 6 (un)interesting things about yourself
3 - Tag five other blogs, and let them know by leaving them a comment

Have a wonderful day/evening!
