Find out what side of the brain you're using

Photobucket This is soooo interesting. I found this HERE through StumbleUpon and I've found it to be uber-interesting.

It says that if you're seeing the woman spinning clockwise, you're using the right side of your brain.{This is supposed to be the creative side} If you're seeing the woman spinning counter-clockwise, you're using the left side of your brain. {This is said to be the side that covers logic, math, etc.}

At first, I could not believe that you could see the woman spinning both ways but believe me, she spins BOTH ways. I have seen it. When she's spinning clockwise, I start thinking of numbers, looking at the numbers or adding them mentally and guess what, she starts spinning the other way.

Way cool, I tell you!


Aggie | Monday, April 14, 2008 1:55:00 AM

This is so cool Joy, pasnag ha!!!

H2OBaby | Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:11:00 PM

Snagged it too Joy! Galeng! Thanks for sharing this!