Kid Funnies

I need to blog and get this written down before I forget...

DD1 always makes me laugh with her quotable quotes.

DD1: Mom, do I have school tomorrow?
ME: Yes you do.
DD1: Kuya said yesterday that I have school tomorrow after tomorrow and I have school tomorrow! He's a GENIE!
ME:You mean genius?
DD1: oh, yeah, genius - but I want to call him GENIE!

DD1 has been playing some games on the computer. She was kneeling/sitting on her legs to see the screen.
DD1: Mommy! Mommy! My legs are crumpled!
ME: Huh? What happened?
DD1: Something's happening to my legs...they're crumpled! I was kneeling and when I stand up, they're crumpled!
ME: Oh, you mean like ants in your legs?
DD1: Yes, they're crumpled. Can you massage them?

Edited to add: I now get what she meant/where she got "crumpled" from... she means "cramp" LOL!


Tylertopia | Thursday, February 07, 2008 8:42:00 AM

That is too cute! :o) It'll be fun for them to look back at these when they are older.

Joyce | Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:54:00 PM

ang cute naman ng DD1 hahaha she is so funny