A Hodgepodge of a post

I've been feeling kinda blah this week. I suppose the weather is a big factor to it. It's been raining and just dreary the past several days. Add to the weather factor the fact that I haven't been exercising again. I'm just feeling really lethargic. Blech!
Then, this afternoon, someone had talked to me about something that has got me concerned and it's really weighing heavily on my mind. I'm trying to be positive about it but right now, the "situation" is just too fresh and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I know I'm going to be ok but right now, I'm not.

On to lighter topics ...
I watched American Idol this week primarily because I wanted to see Ramiel Malubay sing. She was good, except that DH and I exchanged a look and laughed when we heard her song choice. The start felt cabaret-ish Filipino style. It was probably just us because the judges loved it. Don't get me wrong, she was good. It just felt really... I dunno... I can't really explain it. Anyway...

Is it serendipity when on the same day I was browsing and chanced upon Hilton Head rentals, I see it on Law & Order? Seriously, it felt kinda weird. It was one of the places the detectives were digging up info from. It is either a. we're in dire need of a vacation soon or b. the company is doing some major advertising and has hit all media outlets! LOL! At any rate, I just found it really amusing.

I'm off for the night...Tomorrow, we head to Disneyland(again!LOL). DD2 is celebrating her bday on Tuesday so this is kind of a bday treat. MIL might be going with us. We're hoping for better weather. We've told the kids that if it rains, we are postponing the trip. So, they've been praying really hard for good weather.
I still have to pack our bags. Yup, with 4 kids, we do pack a backpack - a change of clothes each, sandwiches, snacks, water, milk for DD3... it is a very heavy backpack at the beginning of the day that gets lighter as the day goes on.


DigiscrapMom | Friday, February 22, 2008 7:01:00 PM

I hope the weather gets better so that you'll get to enjoy Disneyland.

Have a great weekend! *hugs*