Banana allergy

A little over a week ago, DD3 started developing a rash on her face. They weren't small prickly rash either. They looked more like golf balls - big splotches of red on both cheeks and chin with some raised areas and some bedimpled areas. And it was really itchy too as she kept scratching it. Poor baby!
For the life of me, I could not figure out what was causing it. I had started feeding her table food when she turned 1 so I thought that maybe she was reacting to some of the food I was feeding her. I went back to feeding her baby food - all steamed with no salt or sugar whatsoever. She happily ate that food, thank goodness. It was just tedious for me since I had to prepare her food separately. Anyway, nothing was working.
When she woke up in the morning, it looked like the rash was going away but as the day wore on, it would flare up. By the end of the day, she had the rosiest cheeks you could ever have seen! LOL!
The only thing I had not taken away from her diet at that point was her favorite bananas. I figured that she could not possibly be allergic to it since she had been having banana since forever!
Well, looks like she has developed an allergy to it! Crazy huh?
I stopped giving her banana on Sunday and her skin has become a lot clearer now. I've never heard of a banana allergy. But I guess that's what she has!


DigiscrapMom | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 5:05:00 AM

Poor dear! It's also the first time I heard about banana allergy. But I hope she'll outgrow it in time.

Berto and Kwala | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 5:06:00 AM

uh oh, that's sad news, more for your daughter since bananas are her favorite! is there any chance that this is just temporary? maybe she'll grow out of it.

Good luck!

Tylertopia | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 10:53:00 AM

Poor baby! Glad you were able to narrow it down to what the cause was. I'm sure she might miss the bananas, but not as much as the golf balls. :o)