What is your story?

The past few days, my creative mojo has been seriously missing. Good thing I had done the layouts I needed for some challenges at ScrapArtist ahead of time.
Anyway, I've been browsing and surfing, looking for some inspiration. Nope, nothing...nada. Instead, I had some feelings of let-down and self-doubt. I saw all these gorgeous scrap layouts and asked myself, "Why can't I scrap like her or her or her?" A downward spiral for sure.
Fortunately, I was able to control myself and not let these emotions overwhelm me.
I'm about to go to bed right now but when I wake up, I will focus on my story.
Before I get to scrapping, I will ask myself, "What is the story you want to tell?" And I will let that dictate the mood and design of my scrap pages. So often, when I go through other peoples' works, I feel challenged and sometimes pressured to go with the trend. The pressure isn't always obvious to me. I notice it after the fact. But the reality is, I am most happy with the pages that tell my story. I like the pages I make that hold meaning. It isn't always easy to do when I've got CT commitments to fulfill, particularly with previous creative teams. With my ScrapArtist stint however, we get to choose what to work with.
So here's my resolution...
Ask myself...
What story are you telling in this page?
Once I get my answer to that, I know I will be able to scrap a page I am proud of.


Tylertopia | Tuesday, February 19, 2008 2:50:00 PM

That's a wonderful question. It is the same question I think of right before I start a photo session. I see it as a little story in the moment that the client will be able to look back on and tell to others...It's a great place to start. :o)Your creative juices will be flowing again soon I am sure of it. You take wonderful photos and your scrap pages are gorgeous...so don't fret.