Bedtime blues

Thanks to Donna who shared this video on her blog. I could relate to his song, at least to most of it! :D

I was in tears from laughing at the part where he was startled by his daughter staring at him...LOL! OMG! My kids are exactly the same way... and what made me laugh even more was the memory that my bros were exactly the same way!!! (Mom, was I ever like that? Don't remember honestly!) I recall bro1 saying he thought he could stare my sleeping mom to consciousness! LOL!!


Anonymous | Friday, August 24, 2007 9:54:00 PM

That is so funny. Maybe trying to stare us awake is what my grandson used to do. Many mornings I have awaken and he would be standing at the foot of my bed just staring at me. Creepy is what it is when it happens.

Anonymous | Saturday, August 25, 2007 6:23:00 AM

hi joy! grabe, i also laughed out loud at that part!! did you see the one about the spoiled bumblebee? check out the "more from this user". it's spot-on!