A treat for me

I decided to treat myself to some books. I got 4 books from Amazon. I really have a rather long wishlist over there so it was a touch choice to narrow it down to just 4 that I could afford at this time.
I got 2 books to satisfy my scrapping and photography interests...
I'm happy with both these purchases. They've definitely given me ideas that I hope to use in my scrapbooking.
I also got these 2 mothering books.
I haven't read through these 2 books yet. The prayer book is just something I keep by my bedside for a quick prayer or two. I realize that I may not have that much time to devote to a lengthy prayer time but having handy prayers like those written here give me a chance to pray for myself, my kids or my husband. I was really drawn to both books because I am trying to figure out my identity as a Catholic mom. I am not just a mom, nor am I simply a Christian mom - I am a mom who desires to raise her children in the Catholic church. With that in mind, I need to get to know myself first as a Catholic. It's something I've often taken for granted, I suppose. I was born and raised Catholic. I've never had any desire to forsake my faith because I experience God in a most real way in my life. Right now, I'm feeling a desire to get to know my faith more. What does it mean to be Catholic? And what does it mean to be a Catholic mom?


Anonymous | Sunday, July 22, 2007 4:22:00 PM

These are wonderful books! Thanks for sharing them with us :)

One thing I admire about you is your faith. You're really an inspiration for me to work on being prayerful. Thanks for that!