
... I think I have it.

I'm not feeling well right now. Might have to go to the ER later to have this treated. It's so painful to BF that I'm literally in tears when DD3 is on that side. I've had blocked milk ducts during DD2's infancy but after a day or two, it had gone. And usually, when I was super busy and running around town doing chores did the blocked milk ducts occur. I suppose it was my body's way of telling me to slow down. But this time, it just happened and it's not getting any better. I've put hot compress on it but it's still there. And I'm nursing a fever too so it might mean that there is some infection already. If this does not subside today, DH will take me to the ER later when he gets home. He says I might need to take some antibiotics. I hope this goes away soon so I can BF DD3 without pain!