Interior Design

A good friend of mine in Manila has been featured in the July 2007 issue of the magazine Real Living there. I am soooo proud of him!!! There is a full article devoted to one of his work - a condo unit he designed for a common friend. He uses a lot of wood in the space. I wonder what he thinks of wood blinds. He sent me scans of the article. Of course, I wanted to see the article and celebrate with him! I had actually seen the place before. He had sent me pictures of the space after he finished working on it. I am really impressed! If you're in Manila and you need an interior designer, I higly recommend Fritz Santos! His family also owns The Mango Farm in the outskirts of Antipolo, I think that is. I remember when we used to go and overnight there. And now, it's been all developed and stuff. I'm really so proud of my friend!


Anonymous | Sunday, April 04, 2010 3:36:00 AM

hi im interested to let him design my home.. does he have a website where i can get to check most of his designs and how much would his professional fee cost.. the floor area is 300 sq m.

Joy | Saturday, April 10, 2010 12:31:00 PM

Hi. You did not leave any email address so I'm unable to contact you. If you're still interested, I can forward your info directly to him.