Cuddling with Toddlers

I am so thankful I came across this post by Donna-Marie of Embracing Motherhood pointing me to Sarah of Just another day of Catholic pondering. In the midst of things to do, kids to take care of, meals to prepare, chores to finish, oftentimes, I forget to just BE with my kids. DD2, my 2-yo toddler has become quite clingy lately - literally clingy! She can often be found clinging onto my right leg. Even now as I sit here blogging, she is by my feet playing. She seems content as long as I am within arm's reach of her. I've been finding it a nuisance honestly. And Sarah's post has thankfully allowed me to see this "nuisance" in a different light. I am so grateful that God finds creative ways of chastising me, y'know?

Benefits of Cuddling with Toddlers
If it’s a half-hour before the alarm clock’s going off and you’re not ready for Noggin yet, there are worse things than letting her into your bed.
You never knew you needed so little pillow to fall asleep.

The Laws of Toddler Physics state that the toddler shall own twice as much blanket and pillow and bed space as the adult to whom she is closest.

That small head, nestled right under your chin with Einstein hair, will only be that small for approximately five more minutes.

Few things will make you as alert early in the morning as a razor-sharp knee or an oak foot in the small of your back or the top of your tummy.

Who needs an exercise regime? Keeping out of the path of her limbs will take off the pounds of five Der Dutchman donuts. Easily.

“Lub you, Mommy.”

The symphony of Someone’s snoring on the other side of the bed and Toddler’s almost-asleep breathing, punctuated with a few kicks from the one who can’t yet demand a place anywhere on the bed, is sweeter than anything composed by Beethoven.

Starting the week with cuddles never hurt anyone.

No one else in the house carries the particular aroma of being two. Whiff it in. Smile. Quick, before it’s gone.

It won’t be long and she won’t want me to cuddle with her. In any way. Ever.


Sarah Reinhard | Monday, June 25, 2007 12:16:00 PM

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Joy. :) Keep on shining and don't forget to cuddle that little meatball! :)