Digital SLR's

I've been hit by the DSLR bug. As I scrapbook more and more, I am wanting to learn more and more about photography. I've read books about taking better shots and all but one can only do so much with a point and shoot. And with each day, I am seeing the limitations of our cybershot. And I am sooooo itching to get a DSLR. It's a big purchase though and not something to be taken lightly, particularly with our limited budget right now. So, I'm thinking if my blogging money will be able to cover it. I'm hoping I can save up for it. Sounds like plan? You bet!


Unknown | Monday, May 21, 2007 7:31:00 PM

Try to join this contest here:


Awiles, a digiscrapper won one

Anonymous | Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:02:00 AM

Blogging money will cover it Joy, trust me! Just have a goal of $20 per day quota and that's easily 600 a month :D That's what I paid the SLR for :D

Anonymous | Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:13:00 AM

It's gonna be worth the purchase. With your blogging prowess, I'm sure you'll be able to cover up for the cost :)

good luck!!