{Creative and ...

{Creative and dirty}

Tell me, how does a toddler who is wearing onesies, take off her diapers without the snaps of her onesies getting undone?!?!?! Plus, said diaper is only open from one side. Apparently, DD18mos has managed to learn this creative art of taking off her diapers. I would have otherwise found this amusing IF she did not decide to poop at the same time!!! This seems to be the flow of events this lovely Saturday morning - (findings by the Crime Stink Investigators) DD18mos removed her diapers in our room (evidenced by the the diapers left on the floor). She proceeded to walk to the next room where DS5yrs was playing. This was where the "crime" apparently happened. UGH! I will not relay the graphic nature of the scene. But I tell you, it was not pretty! So, of course, I hopped her onto the shower and she had an unscheduled washing this not-so-early Saturday morning!

Let's move on to more pleasant news, shall we?

{Creative and teamed}

Remember how excited I was when I broke the news of being accepted into Misty Cato's creative team? Well, since then, I've been asked to join 3 others!!! One of them is Yvette Sanders. I cannot name the other 2 because they haven't finalized their teams yet. Suffice it to say that I am a little overwhelmed! And flattered of course! I had just looked into joining 1-2 CT's. This was the first time I had send out my application to a bunch of CT calls. I would usually send in applications to just 1 or 2 at a time. After joining Misty's team, I received an email from another designer I applied for that I did not make it to her team. So, I figured, well, getting accepted into Misty's team was probably a fluke. (Yay for my self-confidence!) One afternoon, I decided to answer a few more CT calls. And so far, I've been 3 for 5. The last 2 designers still have their call going so I don't know if I make their team or not. At this point, I'm hoping I kinda don't make their team because I just might have bitten off more than I can chew! Oh well, this just means more free kits to work with - which leads me to the final section of this post.

{Creative and blessed}

Yes, people, I feel creative and blessed! I see my acceptance into these CT's a a blessing. I like to digiscrap. To make beautiful layout's, I need kits that have to be bought or designed myself. I have no desire to design. So that means I need to buy the kits. Thing is, money is tight nowadays with DH working part time plus added expenses with DS5yrs going off to Kindergarten at the end of the month. Now this CT thing happens and I get FREE kits. And not just free kits from 1 designer but 4 designers! So, I get free kits and a variety of styles and designs! What better timing is there? Now, tell me, is that not a blessing?

Indeed, God is good and He knows even my littlest needs ( even if it seems as trivial as scrapbooking kits.)

Thank you God!