Still bogged down...

the computer, that is.

At least the car is back and running again.

But I still feel lost without my computer!!! DH hasn't had time to fix it since it's his finals week this week. He's been running scans and stuff and says that he thinks it's the hard drive that's gone kaput. He put together the system himself so I guess he'll have to redo the system? As in cars and computers, I like using them, they are essential to my daily life but I have no idea how they work, their parts, etc.

I haven't been able to digi-scrap either. Photoshop just freezes on me! Arrghh...
I haven't been able to surf the blog world either. I miss peeking into other people's lives.
Oh well, worse things could have happened.

DS is graduating from preschool next week. They're having a graduation ceremony on Tuesday. And they'll all be in their caps and gowns. So cute!

DD2 has also taken her first steps! Woohoo. It's about time! She's 15 months already. My 2 other kids walked before they were 1 so I was quite surprised that it took her this long to start walking. Maybe it's because I carried her more, you think? Or maybe just her personality. She just seems so cautious about stuff, you know? When she's standing up and I call her to walk to me. She looks at the floor, then at me and seems to think about walking then decides to fall onto her knees and crawl really fast towards me. I guess she figured it's much faster that way. Hahaha...

And she's started to sing too! Yup, my baby sings! Of course, I do not understand her words but there is definitely some melody going on there. I'm such a proud mama. LOL.