Mommy issue

My mom is leaving and going back home next Tuesday. She's been here, helping us for exactly a month today. I have ambivalent feelings about her impending departure.

On one hand, I am dreading the day she leaves as this means a loss of help particularly with the kids. She's been so much help, you know. I haven't had to worry much about preparing dinner. She's been there to watch the kids so I can nurse my newborn in peace.

On the other hand, I think we've reached a point where we've had enough of each other. I cringe at that statement because it sounds mean but I just can't find a better way of relaying the general atmosphere around here. There isn't any tension of course. We're getting along rather well. You know that feeling when you've gotten tired of playing with a new toy and you just don't want to play with it anymore? Yes, that feeling. That's what I'm feeling. And I sense that what she's feeling too. I sense that she can't wait to go home - to her home - and get away from the madness of our home. I sense that she's had enough of her 2 grandkids vying for her attention. I think I'm at the same place as she is.

And then, after some time apart, we'll miss each other again.