
Busy but Surviving

Just a quick post to let you know that this blogger is still alive. I've been very busy with home educating my children. I have been feeling the rigor of teaching 4 kids. Why is it so hard? And why do I persist? I'm probably just crazy but I like our lifestyle. I like that we get to stay home and learn together. I like that I am able to witness first-hand the progress that my children are making in their educational journey. DD4 who is in K is reading now. I am so proud of her! She's worked hard and continues to work hard. She tries very hard to be patient in sounding out those letters and trying to make sense of the words. I hear a tinge of impatience and frustration sometimes. That's normal for her. But then one day, it all just clicked. And seeing the light in her eyes when she realized this was priceless! They're enrolled in history and science classes at the nearby education center that provide classes to home schoolers. They started last Monday. I think this will take a load off my shoulders so I don't have to worry about those subjects anymore. Science and History are the subjects that get pushed aside because I just don't have time left in the day. Delegating these to outside help relieves of the guilt feelings of not providing my children a complete education. So, yes, we are still very much alive. Busy but surviving. I hope to blog about our experiences more.