Is Home Schooling Hard?

My family officially entered our 3rd year of homeschooling. I am by no means a veteran. I know I have a lot to learn yet. I still consider myself a semi-newbie. This much I know - I am here because I know this is God’s will for my family. How long will I homeschool? I do not know. For as long as it works for us. For as long as the Lord wills it for us.

I continue to have apprehensions. Mostly worries about possible gaps in the education I provide. I still feel insecure that they might not be receiving the best academic education which they might be getting at a regular school. Yet, they’ve been tested and they’re testing way above the CA standards. Still, I am a mom and I continue to worry. However, I also realize that my children are learning more than academics in our home school. They are learning to love and serve. They are growing in their relationships with one another and with us, their parents. Home schooling has really strengthened our family dynamics. I believe that we are stronger and closer as a family because we home school.

One of the first questions I encounter from friends is: Isn't it hard to teach different grades at the same time? I suppose it would be a challenge if I taught each child separately. However, we combine studies when we can. Obviously, Math and Phonics/Grammar have to be taught separately because they are at different levels. However, with subjects like History & Science, we learn together. The older ones also enjoy helping the younger ones with their lessons.

It is not the academics that I find most difficult. What challenges me most is that I find that I have to give of myself more than I have ever given of myself. I have to be more disciplined. I am constantly challenged to be a better person, a better parent. I am learning to be more generous of myself, to be more understanding, more forgiving, more merciful, more loving. In other words, I am challenged to be a better disciple of Jesus. I think this is also one reason I know this is where God wants me to be: because I am drawing closer to Him than ever before. Home schooling is leading me to God, helping me on the path to holiness. I am growing in my faith, gaining a deeper love and appreciation for our Catholic faith because of this journey we are taking.

So, is home schooling hard? Yes it is but with the grace of God, we are thriving. All the sacrifices are definitely worth it!


peggy aplSEEDS | Tuesday, September 06, 2011 8:30:00 PM

you have a lovely blog and it is amazing to me that with all that you do, homeschooling and all, you can still have a blog and share such heartwarming posts. blessings and hugs!