
Do you remember that email/report that circulated a few years back about how much a typical housewife would earn if you broke down her work into hourly wages? I found this site that calculated how much I should be earning based on the hours I put in.

Here's my annual breakdown:

Earning Statement Our Family
For the year ending: October 2010
Job title Hourly Rate Hours worked
Housekeeper $10.48 728
Cook $13.90 364
Day Care Teacher$13.90 2,080
Facilities Mgr $33.14 364
Computer Operator$16.18 728
Van Driver $15.77 520
Psychologist $39.74 520
Janitor $10.27 364
Laundry Machine
Operator $10.53 364
Chief Executive
Officer $53.43 260
Event Planner $27.64 260
Nutritionist $24.48 52
Logistics Analyst $23.44 52
Interior Designer $19.60 52
Bookkeeper $17.85 104

Total Value
Regular Hourly Rate $18.84 2,080 $39,181
Over Time Rate $28.26 4,732 $133,704


Look at that! I'd be a rich girl!!
Truthfully, I am a rich girl. I am richer beyond my imagination. What I have in my life is worth more than any monetary compensation. I am truly blessed.
Just wondering though, if being a housewife is considered an occupation, then should I get disability insurance when I get hurt at "work?" Or should I get unemployment benefits once my children are not considered minors anymore? Haha.