Little Lights

This was from an email I received. It might have been written by Joy Crowley but I'm not sure.

Little Lights

Jesus spoke of little lights, candles, lamps,
not great bonfires, just small steady flames
to brighten some dark corner of the house.
Come to think of it, Jesus always preached little -
children, flowers, sparrows, the widow's mite,
mustard seeds, loaves and fishes. He didn't
expect people to make great gestures.
I guess he knew that little is the currency
of every day living.
So let's thank God for little lights,
the warm smile, the hug, the phone call,
a wave from a passing car, a cup of tea,
an open door, a talent freely shared.
How often, when my own candle has gone out,
has someone relit it from their own lamp of kindness.
That can't happen with a big light.
I mean, how close can you get
to a supernova?