Graduation Pictures

Our homeschool co-op will be having our graduation/promotion Mass next Thursday. The graduation committee has asked me to take the pictures of the graduates. I am quite flattered that they asked me. I had to warn them though not to be fooled by the big camera I tote along. LOL! I'm a little nervous and I really do not want to disappoint anyone.

I'm not charging for anything and I do not want to put out any money for the printing either. I'll be uploading the pictures to shutterfly and will share the album with the families. From there, they can order the prints for themselves. I like shutterfly and actually use them as my online backup for pictures. I also use flickr because I like how I can download my pictures in their original size, just in case something happens. You can never be too safe with pictures.

Anyway, cross you fingers for me and hope that everything goes well during the graduation photo shoot.