40 days

We drove up north over the weekend to be with DH's family. It's been 40 days since his uncle's death. It is a common practice among Filipino families to come together for prayers and mass 40 days after the death of a loved one. Does anyone know of a similar tradition in other cultures? I'm just curious.

Of course, as with any Filipino family gathering, food was abundant during the weekend. It did not help that the widow enjoys cooking so she prepared adobo and kare-kare for the luncheon plus cassava cake, tupig and fruit salad for dessert. On top of that, her daughter, who is a pastry chef , baked cookies and hopia, prepared thai tea ice cream and made mango polvoron and langka & coconut polvoron and cashew brittle. Everything was soo good that it was soo bad (for me!). By mid-afternoon, an aunt and I were discussing adipex diet pills to counter the binge eating we had just done. Haha.

And the yumminess does not stop there. My aunt gave me 2 bottles of lemon marmalade that her daughter had made from lemons they harvested from their backyard. I had it for breakfast this morning of course! And it is sooo good. Yum! What a delicious way to start my day!