Missing the Creative Eye

I really have to take up my camera more often.

We were at Bryce Canyon last Saturday. It would have been the perfect chance to take beautiful photos. I was utterly disappointed to find out that I took so-so pics. I understand that I have to really work on my creativity, nourish it, cultivate...let it grow. I believe that we all have natural abilities to be creative - some are naturally creative with words, others with images, others with sounds, still others with colors and so many other things. However, I also believe that you can grow in other creative avenues.

I wasn't naturally inclined to take photos. I wasn't artsy like that. Growing up, I was more likely to be in front of the camera posing for snapshots. It was often a joke in the family that if you want to gather us cousins together, point a camera to a spot and everyone will congregate there. Hehehe. They were normal snapshots.

I only started to become interested in photography when I stumbled upon digital scrapbooking and discovered that I had some form of creative "eye". This made me want to take better pictures which led me to want to learn more and more. I embarked on my Project 365 last year and I was challenged to look at everyday moments/things with a more creative eye. I think that I was able to better my photography because of that.

This time, however, I've just been unmotivated to take up that camera. I know a lot of it has to do with my emotional state - I just feel drained and overwhelmed. I felt like I needed a break. I still do but I also have realized that I miss taking pictures. I miss looking through the viewfinder and catching the perect moment. I miss the satisfaction that comes with rifling through my files and looking at the beautiful images I've captured of my kids, of my life.

When I look at the pics, I am reminded of God's goodness and I am grateful. It's so much easier to remember His blessings when I have visual reminders. The images I take are a big part of those reminders.

And so today, I will take up my camera and take a picture. Any picture. I also give myself license to just take a goofy picture. The images I take do not always have to be artsy - they just have to be able to capture my life. I think that by doing this, my creative eye will return. I will be able to look around my world and see the beauty and joy more freely. And maybe instead of waiting to be inspired before taking out my camera, I can start snapping away and have my spirits uplifted by the beauty that surround me. Indeed, life is beautiful. I just need to open my eyes and see it.