It is Official!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

it is official!! We are homeschooling!!

I've decided to sign up with a Catholic private satellite program that will help me with homeschooling. As a registered family, I will have available an advisor who I can call anytime. They will also do the record-keeping for me. They also provide the curriculum and lesson plans. I have a choice of course if I want to follow their lesson plans or not.

Personally, I think that this is the most ideal set-up for me. I know I can do it from scratch and design everything myself. But why should I when there are available resources to me? For a first-timer, following a proven path gives me so much more confidence in this journey I will be taking with my kids. The curriculum/lesson plans cover pretty much everything that the state requires for each grade level plus some. I will need to supplement by enrolling them in music classes(piano lessons maybe?) and some sports activities. Instead of being mere after-school activities for them, it becomes part of their whole education. Pretty neat, right?

I am both excited and nervous as hell. But I choose to believe that this is where God has led us and so He will take care of us.


Donna | Wednesday, August 05, 2009 7:24:00 PM

as they say in japanese, "gambatte" (do your best!)