Big Girl Bed

I don't think I've blogged about this before (Or have I?). DD3 is now off her crib and in a toddler bed. This is a bed from IKEA that lengthens into a twin-sized bed. Although we originally bought it for DD3, she refuses to sleep in it and prefers to sleep in the bottom bunk of her sisters' bunk beds. DD2 was not initially too happy about being asked to move beds but she's such an easy going child that she soon gladly moved.

I don't have too many crib beddings but the few that I had I've given away now. I need to get new beddings though, probably flannel ones for winter. Do you realize that on laundry day, I have 5 sets of sheets to wash?! Yup, that's why I've got one day specially set aside for washing sheets!