A Post on Sports

The NBA playoffs are here. And it's an exciting time for the LA Lakers! They've had a good season and are the top seed for the western conference. Until last night, they weren't sure who they were going to be up against in the first round of the playoffs. Yes, the western conference race was that tight!

DH is a huge Lakers fan. He records all the games and watches each one even when he knows they're going to lose already. I keep teasing him that the results won't change no matter how often he rewinds it. LOL! He says he wants to see where the team is weak, etc. As if there is anything he can do about it! LOL!

I guess that's normal for sports fans, yeah? I mean, like, it isn't even football season and yet football fans are drawing up their nfl picks already. Didn't the season just end? How crazy is that?

Oh well, sometimes, there are just some things I'm not meant to understand. Pretty much the same way DH does not understand my passion for scrapping! LOL!


Gabi | Thursday, April 17, 2008 8:15:00 PM

LOL, Joy. I'm really happy my DH isn't fan of any club or sport... But he loves his laptop instead of that :))
Have a wonderful day!