Pinewood Derby

With DS becoming more involved with Cub Scouts, we've found ourselves busier than we're normally used to. I suppose that's the reality of life as kids start having activities outside of the usual family stuff. That's the challenge for us parents now - not just to balance family life with work sked but add in to the mix kids' extra-curricular activities. While I think it's healthy for kids to be active outside the home, I also strongly believe in the importance of down time - letting the kids be. It can be so easy to get caught up in all the activities that they would not know what to do if there wasn't anything to do, kwim?
Anyway, during the last den meeting of the Scouts, they gave each scout a model rocket car to build and decorate as they please. There is going to be a Pinewood Derby on the first weekend of November. We have yet to discuss if we're going or not. I am not exactly sure what or how the derby is going to be. Anyone been to one? I'm inclined to take DS especially since he is really into cars and racing. He's been watching Nascar on TV when he chances upon it. Personally, I don't get it but he does - and enjoys it!