S.M.A.R.T. goals

Last night, at our Men's and Women's group meeting, we discussed the last topic in the booklet tackling making financial decisions as a couple. One thing that stuck to my mind was importance of making s.m.a.r.t. goals. It stands for the following:
S- specific
M- measurable
A- agreed upon
R- realistic
T- timetable

DH and I have been very conservative in our spending habits, thank goodness so we have not experienced any financial crisis. We've seen however some people in our lives who have had to declare bankruptcy. They invested their money and lost and were at a point that commercial collection agency had been used to collect on them already. Scary and stressful situation. Good thing that they have recovered now

I think it's really a wonderful acronym to keep in mind when making goals in general, not necessarily just financial goals. You are bound to be more successful in reaching your goals when you employ the above criteria.