It's time for another Saturday Self Portrait! Join us at Her Space:My space.

There really are not so many self-portrait shots you can take while holding the camera at arm's length. While I really should take out the tripod to get me a proper self-portrait, I still am too lazy to do so. LOL. So, I started thinking of other angles to take my photo from while holding the camera. This one is my looking down at the camera with my unkept hair obscuring my face. It turned out interesting, I think. So, that's just me experimenting. *smile*
My laptop will be out for repair this coming week. The internal speakers are broken. No sound is coming off them. DH took it to Circuit City(where he bought it) last weekend and they tested it. Since, it is still under warranty, HP sent us a box to send in the unit so they can repair it. I hope it does not take long to get repaired. We still have DH's laptop to use but I'll have to use it while he's in school. Once he gets home, no more computer time for me. He needs to log in his reports and stuff. Oh well, maybe I'll be able to get some chores done then! LOL!


Bobs | Saturday, September 08, 2007 1:56:00 PM

I couldn't work out how you'd taken this shot until I read your words! Brilliant idea! :)

Hazel | Saturday, September 08, 2007 2:51:00 PM

That's great idea, Joy. Hope you get the laptop back quickly.

Angela | Saturday, September 08, 2007 3:09:00 PM

Brilliant! Just love it. Love the angle, the lighting, its just so original.

Anonymous | Monday, September 10, 2007 8:44:00 AM

Very cool SP! I love the angle and the way your hair hides part of your face (not that we don't want to see it all). It just looks really neat. :o)