May it be a sweet sound in your ear

"I love you Lord
And I lift my voice to worship you
Oh my soul, rejoice!
Take joy, my King
In what you hear
May it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear."

We regularly take our children to church. We want them to grow up in our faith and taking them every Sunday, though it takes a lot of work, is important to us. We understand that this is part of our responsibility as parents.
However, it isn't easy at all. Having 4 children 6 years and below in tow really attracts attention. I think my children are relatively well-behaved. DD2 is a toddler and sits still as much as a toddler can keep still (which really isn't for too long). So, of course, we've been the subject of many a glance during Mass. There are those that openly reveal their annoyance with their faces. There are those that shake their head as they peek over their shoulder. And I sigh... a long heavy sigh... and wish that they wouldn't judge us. We try...we do try to keep the kids quiet and still. DS and DD1 for the most part can do it. But what can you expect of a toddler and a baby? When they fuss and start to cry, we do stand up and take them to the back, to the church vestibule so they won't bother the congregation. But for most of the time, DD2 behaves well, just like a toddler that she is. And we don't think her actions warrant a trip to the vestibule. She asks questions about what is happening, what the priest is doing, what we are saying. And she sings along too - although sometimes she decides to sing even when it isn't time to sing. I wish that the other people would listen with their heart. My daughter is not being obnoxious. She is sincerely singing. And though I remind her to lower her voice, I can't help but smile as I look into her joy-filled face. Her eyes twinkle...the corners of her mouth turned up in a smile...her cheeks flush with excitement - all indications to me that she is just ready to burst out in an "Alleluia...alleluia..." So I pray...I pray that the Lord listens to her "noise" and hear the sweet music she is making for Him. I pray that I am doing the right thing in not crossly stopping her. And oftentimes, I pray to the Lord too that I may learn from my daughter to make sweet sounds for Him too, unabashedly and sincerely making joyful praise...even when it may seem like "noise" to the rest of the world.

"May it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear..."


Tylertopia | Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:14:00 AM

I agree with you. We could all learn from our children and their child like faith, their noise for the Lord and their excitement to express themselves. Let the others stare...they are missing something great.

Joy | Wednesday, September 12, 2007 12:34:00 PM

Oh Rebecca, you've put tears in my eyes. Thank you for the encouragement because sometimes it feels like I'm doing something wrong. To hear someone else's validation is a joy and lifts my spirit. Thank you so much!

Anonymous | Thursday, September 13, 2007 3:34:00 AM

ignore the others, it would seem to me that God would be more annoyed at them for being annoyed with the truly innocent - how many times has Jesus asked us to be more child-like? you are so right in bringing them to Mass, you are laying strong foundations for their faith later on. and they will thank you for it.

Anonymous | Sunday, November 11, 2007 5:18:00 PM


I hope you do not mind my intrusion on your blog, but I searched "may it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear" on google and yours is the first link that popped up.

In regards to your concerns, I pray the Lord grants you peace Christian if distress yet imposes itself in such a manner.

Remember, Christ is the Light of the world, and by His dwelling in you and you in Him, "you are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14). May the Lord help you to be wise in bringing up the children He, in His wisdom, hath seen right to bless you with. Pursue God, for in His presence alone is the fullness of joy. Seek His word, for His word alone is truth, and thus alone may grant eternal life. Excelsior! Fight the good fight!

With such a heart of singular devotion to God, may the Lord help you in guiding your children into a life of godliness, dying to self daily, and living anew in Christ. May the Holy Spirit teach them reverence and joy through you. Keep striving to bring up your children in the only life that leads to life--that is, the life everlasting. May your children not loose the child lit wonder that is so often abandoned under the pretense of maturity. May the Lord use your children to kindle a child-like faith in those around you, and may the joy of the Holy Trinity fill and shine forth from you and your children.

Remembered David. He danced in the streets and his wife thought him a fool--he was not a fool, but a man after God's own heart, and could only express the joy He found in God in such a way. I pray your children learn to dance, and that no one will begrudge them for doing so.

May we come to live lives utterly devoted to living with God, and realize that God does not merely want our works, but He wants us--and not just a part of us, but all of us. May God pervade our whole beings, and the whole of our lives. Let us give Him all, that He may be our all in all. God Bless. God be glorified! May our jollification forever be in the Lord! God Bless.

Under the Mercy,