I Stood up and scrapped

I did decide to join the digital scrapbooking contest "Stand up and Scrap". Week 1 is done and the theme was to scrap your dream. Design focus was to use brushes.
I have no illusions of winning at all but I am glad I joined. It forced me to sit down and really think about my LO. And I am soooo proud of the page I created. I'd share it with you if I could but I can't...not yet anyway. It's been soooo long since I felt this sense of fulfillment about scrapping a page, y'know? Lately, there hasn't been a drive. I was making pages and that's it. It's not for a lack of scrapbook page ideas...I've got a ton swirling around my head. I just have to sit and scrap. But once I sit and try to scrap, nothing creative comes out.
I'm also trying not to get overwhelmed by the tons of photos I suddenly have because of my new Nikon D40x. Since getting is last month, I've been taking a lot of shots. I'm learning a lot. Taking part in the photography prompts have really helped a lot. But suddenly, I have these photos I want to scrap but I'm not able to scrap. Arrgh. It's just one vicious cycle! I love my camera. I love to scrap. I just need to find that zone where I can scrap the photos I've taken with as much passion as I had before all this creative dearth.
BTW, DD3 is now crawling and I was able to shoot some pics of her crawling. Love how fast my camera is right now. If I were still using my old point and shoot, I am certain, without a doubt, that I would not have gotten the shots I did with my DSLR.


Anonymous | Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:48:00 AM

Ah yes, an ongoing dilema for me. Love to do both, but focus mostly on photography. Now I have a 4 year old and a 6 month old...and the scrapbook has been stuck at the stage where my 4 year old was 1! Yikes! Time flies and I am so far behind. Thank you for reminding me...maybe this will motivate me to find some scrap time. :o)

Sue | Wednesday, September 26, 2007 12:27:00 PM

It happens. A lot!

I find that digi has been a help in this respect as I can play around with so much :)

I get to the point where I think I have "lost it" for good and start to feel so sad then fortunately "it" returns :)

Hope yours comes home soon
