The graduate

DS graduated from Kindergarten yesterday! Whoa! I cannot believe how quickly time has flown. Was it not just yesterday that I was writing here about shedding some tears when I was driving him to his first day of school? And now, he's all big and independent and says stuff like, "I'm too embarrassed Mom." Where has my little boy gone?

The graduation went well. Unfortunately, it was only me and DD3 there. DH was on call at the hospital and there was no way to get away from it. Then, since the grad was held at 1 pm, SIL could not get away from work either. DD1 and DD2 are still staying with her and MIL so since she could not come, the rest of the gang was unable to come too. I was a little sad as I sat there alone amidst all these families getting together. It was one of those times that I really wished my family was nearby. {SIGH}

I was not able to get good pics during the ceremony ... well, because 1. I was carrying DD3 on one hand while trying to snap pics with the other - not a recipe for good pics, and 2. our camera does not take good zoom pics - it used to be ok but now it gets all blurry - sign that we need a new one? Maybe! After all, we've had this camera for almost 4 years now!

Anyway, DS did not seem bothered by his lack of family members around. His eight grader Tim attended the ceremony too and gifted him with a hardbound copy of "The magician's nephew". He kinda felt bummed that DS had the book already but I told Tim that it was ok. I asked him to write a short message for DS on the book and this was going to be a treasure for sure! Tim's a really nice young man. I hope their friendship continues on. We'll see...

BTW, there was a small source of stress after the ceremony for DS. Immediately after the ceremony, the graduates were treated with cookies and punch. DS laid his diploma on the table. In the flurry of activities - photo ops, gifts from Tim, class photos, DD3 crying, etc., I had forgotten to pick it up and put it in my purse. When we got back to the table, it was all cleaned up and the diploma was nowhere to be found. Now, if you know my son, you'd know that he was absolutely distraught! Tears started streaming down his face. "I can't go to first grade anymore, Mom!" I tried to assure him that he'd still be able to go to first grade but he was inconsolable. I dug through the trash - nope, it wasn't there. Seeing that we looked all throughout the hall and even though the trash and still had not found it, I thought we could ask his teacher if we could possibly have a duplicate made or something. When we got to his classroom to get his other school stuff, Ms. Lupe was there and gave us his diploma! Yay! Someone had found it when they were cleaning up and gave it to her. So, the graduate was appeased. Thank goodness!


DigiscrapMom | Saturday, June 09, 2007 6:45:00 PM

Congratulations to DS!!! What a way to end the year! :)

It's a good thing you found his diploma. I'm sure it's up there on the walls of your house already.


Anonymous | Monday, June 11, 2007 5:16:00 AM

ang bilis nga talaga the pic - his smile is infectious!