The dental saga has ended

At last, my dental saga has ended. Whew! This has been going on for about a month now so I'm just too happy not to be seeing my dentist for a while - at least not till after 6 months!

A recap:
It started with a root canal. The weekend after, I was in soooo much pain, I had to take Vicodin. My dentist saw me that Monday and he took out the temporary plaster. He said that about 1 in 20 cases are like this - pressure builds up and once the plaster is removed, there is immediate relief.
Thursday of the same week, I came in again and he put some temporary plaster again. On Saturday, I was in pain again! Called my doctor. The plaster was removed and we kept the tooth open.
Then on Thursday, I was back in that chair. He checked my tooth to see if I had an extra root. It seemed I did and it could be what was causing the pain. Only about 3% have the extra root! Well, whoop-dee-doo, I am in that small minority! Ugh!
I was still in some discomfort for the rest of the week but manageable with Motrin.
Last week, he checked my tooth again. It was clean, he said. He put some temporary filling. By this time, it seemed like he was at a loss as to why I was still experiencing pain and discomfort. He told me to expect discomfort for the rest of the day but should be gone by the next day. Well, guess what? I was still in pain the next day! Ugh! But by Friday, I was ok.
Then this morning, I had another appt. I was happy to report to him that the pain was gone - some slight sensitivity when I'm brushing over the tooth but nothing more other than that. He put permanent filling on it.
And so ends my month-long dental saga. I hope this never happens again!


Anonymous | Saturday, May 19, 2007 9:27:00 AM

Naku Joy, I have the same dilemna now....impacted wisdom teeth and a molar in danger, kainis no!?