The dental saga continues

So, I mentioned about my root canal right?
And I mentioned about the toothache over the weekend.
Well, here's an update.
I was able to get to the dentist on Monday. Dr. Tanaka was awesome. It was his day off. The office was closed. But he made time for me! Back to my tooth... apparently, there was some blood that was trapped under the temporary filling he had put in and that was causing the pressure. Once he took out the filling, the pressure was lifted and it felt so much better. I was still a little sore but otherwise fine. He said that this happens in about 1 in 20 root canals. Well, I just had to be that 1 in 20! He left it open. Just intructed me to change the cotton that covered it a bit. He also prescribed some antibiotics for me. Since then, there has been no pain. It's a little uncomfortable but no pain.
This morning, I had another appointment. He put temporary filling again. Hopefully, I don't experience any more pain with it. If everything goes well, I come back again next week and get the permanent filling and the crown on.