
Was tagged by Buge. Don't usually do these tags, pero I'm really procrastinating, so sige na nga!

A - Available or single: available - NOT!!!
B - Best friend: Dex
C - Cake or pie: cake!
D - Drink of choice: Taro smoothie
E - Essential item you use everyday: toilet paper! Hahaha!
F - Favorite color: blue
G - Gummy bears or worms: bears
H - Hometown: Philippines
I - Indulgence: massage, though they come few and far in between
J - January or February: January
K - Kids & names: 3 - Miguel, Gabrielle, Raphaelle - 4th one is coming - no name yet
L - Life is incomplete without? God and my family.
M - Marriage date: January 29, 2000
N - Number of siblings: 3
O - Oranges or apples: Apples
P - Phobias or fears: that something dreadful happen to anyone in my family
Q - Fave quote: It's a bible verse actually, Jer. 29:11 - For I know well the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe, plans to give you a future full of hope.
R - Reason to smile: God loves me
S - Season: Fall/Spring
T - Tag 3 people: I'm not one for tagging people. OO, KJ ako! Hahaha... So if you haven't done this yet and would like to, do the survey and leave me nalang a comment para I can get to know you better, ok?
U - Unknown fact about me: Unknown siguro even to me... I am seriously at a loss. My brain is jumbled up with all the preps I need to do for Christmas.
V - Vegetable you don’t like: ampalaya
W - Worst habit: I raise my voice a lot!
X - Xrays: none
Y - Your fave food: Sushi
Z - Zodiac sign: Libra


Aggie | Saturday, December 23, 2006 6:03:00 PM

Happy Holidays Joy!

I learned a lot about you!
I raise my voice a LOT as well :D
Your wedding date is hubby's birthday.
And the veggie you hate most is the one I love most :D

My New Blog! Please update your links :D

Anonymous | Sunday, December 24, 2006 3:57:00 AM

Thanks for doing the tag! Nice to get to know you more! Happy Chirstmas to you and your family! :)