Star Wars

Star Wars Episode III opened in theaters today and we went to see it. I am not a big Star Wars fan, but DH is a semi-fan... not a full-blown diehard fanatic but a fan nonetheless. When he told me yesterday that we were going to see the movie, I thought he was kidding. I was not planning on bringing 3 kids into the movie theater! I told him he could go and see it himself. I do not mind if I don't see it in the theater. I can even wait till it comes out on DVD. But no!!! he would not hear of it. We should not disturb the force, he says! Hahahaha... We had seen the previous 2 episodes together on their first day of release. And so we will see this last installment on its first day of release together too. Kinda superstitious, don't ya think?

And so off to the movie theater we went this morning to catch the 9:30 am showtime. The baby was very good - she slept thru it all! DD did fairly well too. We brought a lot of snacks for her. She fell asleep in the middle of the movie though. DS always is good when watching movies. He just sits there and watches while eating his popcorn.

The movie was ok. But the guy playing Anakin/Darth Vader was really lousy, I think. His acting was just not up to par. DH said that they had him go thru acting classes. If that's the case, they should get a refund because I don't think there was any improvement at all. Oh, how mean I am!