Still waiting

Last Tuesday, when I went for my check-up, the Dr. examined me and said I was almost 3 cm dilated. He did not dare say when he suspected I was going to deliver because he said he did not want me to worry. That evening, I started having contractions that were 10 minutes apart for about an hour. I decided to take a shower and prepare myself, thinking I might be going to the hospital any time. But noooo... I fell asleep.
Now, 3 days later, I am still pregnant. I've been experiencing contractions now and then but nothing really regular or anything. I think I've passed my mucus plug too because there was a huge blob the other day. (excuse me for the graphic nature)
I'm really not sure what to feel, you know? One one hand, I'm anxious. On the other hand, I just want to get this over with already. The waiting is killing me. I've been going thru my regular activities. My life is not on hold or anything. But sometimes I worry that when I'm out on an errand, I might go into labor and not be able to drive myself back.
Oh well, I'll just have to sit back here and wait... nothing I can do, really, right?