One-on-One Time

As a couple, it is of utmost importance that we spend some alone time together. I know that. However, knowing and doing are two entirely different things.

Honestly, it is so very difficult to find time for each other. Just us. You can imagine how busy our household must be with 4 kids. We can choose to put it off later and tell ourselves that we'll attend to the kids now and nurture our relationship later. However, the truth is, the next time that we will find ourselves not busy is probably when we're retired. And that is a loooong time from now, given that we're only in our 30's.

We choose to schedule our alone time. Does that ruin the romantic notion of spontaneity? That romance is all about the stars falling in place at the right time and just going with the flow? Sure, that's the movie version of romance. But there is nothing I find more romantic than a man who researches what you really like and prepares a night that he knows you will absolutely enjoy.

I'm a particularly simple girl, I think. I don't have very complex needs. Just a healthy dose of cuddles and hugs and a sincere "I love you" is enough to make my heart smile. These days, our alone time sometimes consists of snuggling on the couch while watching TV. Oftentimes, I need to make a conscious effort to turn off this computer at night so I can spend time with DH. I look forward to the times when we can actually go out on dates again. But till then, I hope that we will continue to make time for each other and just be a couple.