The Post about Finding a House
I saw DH browsing through some real estate listings the past couple of weeks. I know we are in no position financially to be in the market for a new house that I got real curious as to why he was looking at homes.He's always told me that he felt like we were still going to move to another house. A few years ago, I thought he was crazy. I was satisfied with living here. Sure, it was not my dream dream house but I like it and it has become home to us! But now that we have 4 kids, I can see why we will need a bigger house. LOL! So, we're dreaming - dreaming for our dream house. My dream is for a nice yard - big enough for the kids to play in and enough space so we can invite some friends over. Right now, there really isn't much space for that. DH's dream house has a game room with a pool table. Yep, he wants a pool table.
So, he's been browing through some real estate listings. And boy have the prices gone up since we were last in the market! The houses I saw were already in the $600's and these were your basic homes, not luxury homes at all! Can you imagine if we really look for THE house of our dreams! Whoa! It just brought home the point that we are in no shape to look for a new house right now. But that would be in our to-do list. We will get that dream home...we will!
Same here. We are renting until my husband separates from the Army 2 years from now. We so want a home of our own though and are constantly browsing the different markets and it seems every where costs a fortune these days. I can only imagine what we'll have to spend 2 years from now! ugh.
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