First day of school

Both DS and DD1 started school today. DS is now in 1st grade while DD1 is in Pre-K. What I had planned to be a stress-free morning turned out to be stressful in a matter of minutes. DD1 was just going to have class orientation, meaning I was going to be staying with her in class. Because of that, I had arranged for BIL to come over to babysit the younger girls. I asked him to come before 8 so that I would not have to take the girls when I bring DS to school. So my plan was to let the girls sleep in while I take DS to school, wake at least DD1 when I get home and get her ready for her class. But my plan was not to be!
At 7:45, I was getting worried that BIL had not arrived yet. I texted him and left him 2 msgs on his cell. He finally replied about 10 min. after that he was stuck in traffic and will not make it before 8. Duh! Obviously! So, I frantically got my girls dressed and into the car, drove hurriedly to school. I did not want DS to be late on his first day. We had to park across the street because the school lot was full. So, of course he was late! Fortunately, a lot of parents were still milling around, bringing the school supplies in, etc. that class really had not started yet. What a stressful morning! Imagine me, pushing the double stroller with DD2 and DD3 in it and pulling both DD1 and DS to walk faster. I must have looked like a wreck! I did not attend the parents' gathering at the hall anymore. I'll just attend the parents' meeting tomorrow evening where I assume they will discuss the new safety procedures the school has adapted. The school office has been slightly renovated to conform to new safe environment policy. They moved the counter to somewhat block the main entrance to the school. You will have to to go through the counter gate to enter the school grounds during school hours. All other gates will be closed. I received notice too that they now have a school emergency system similar to the safety suite of Defywire. With all the crazy events happening in the world, esp. in school campuses, it is nice to know that the school is being on top of everything and putting our kids' safety on the forefront.

side note: I'll blog about DD1's first day experience next time with pictures!