I finally got DD3 a
bumbo! I had seen this around and honestly did not think much of it. Then we had giftcards to Toys R us to use for DD3 and I really had nothing to buy. She's got loads of toys and clothes already. Then, I realized my mom is going back to the Philippines on Monday. No one will carry her anymore while I do chores or attend to the other kids. The bumbo might be the answer. Crossing my fingers here. She generally likes the seat. We had a dinner time dry run the other night. My mom had gone to church leaving me with the 4 kids. I settled DD3 on the bumbo as I set the table and prepared the kids' meals. DD3 was at arm's reach always. We were able to get through the whole dinner before DD3 started fussing. Maybe she figured she was getting the raw end of the deal. LOL! Everyone was eating except her! LOL! I'm really happy with the bumbo. And I hope to make good use of it for a loooong time!
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