Twisted ankle

I twisted my ankle on Tuesday!!!
Ugh! It was one of those things you might attribute to pregnant clumsiness. LOL. It was weird though because it happened when we got home from picking up DS from school. I was carrying sleeping DD2 and stepped on DS' shoe as I was entering the back door from the garage. I lost my balance for a bit but recovered and did not fall. I felt a slight pinch on my right foot but not too much to be bothered about. DH was on his 24-hour rotation at the hospital so I was alone with the kids. I got them fed, bathed and tucked into bed with no problems at all. Took a shower myself and got into bed. At about 2 AM, I woke up and I felt PAIN! I could not move my ankle at all! I could not even move my toes coz they hurt so bad! And I had to go to the toilet. One of the banes of the pregnancy in the last trimester. I tried to hobble but even putting slight pressure on my toes was too much. Now, I think I have a high tolerance for pain. After all, I had given birth naturally to 3 kids without pain meds at all! Anyway, I had to crawl to the toilet in pain. I called DH on his cell and asked him what to do. By now, I was in tears. I put up my foot on top of 2 pillows to elevate it but since it was cold, I had to put a blanket over it. And the blanket pushing on my foot hurt! I couldn't really see if it was swollen or not. If it were, it wasn't by much, I guess. It just looked a little darker than the other foot. Anyway, DH called me at home. Good thing he wasn't with a patient at the time. Told me to elevate it, take some tylenol for the pain and he'd check on me later in the morning. Simple enough right? The thing is, I did not have drinking water in sight. So, I crawled to the medicine cabinet, got me some tylenol, crawled to the stairs, went down the stairs by sitting on my behind, crawled to the kitchen and drank the medicine, crawled back up again by sitting on my behind, crawled to my room and tried to get the best laying position possible. While all this was happening, my mind was racing too. It was DS' class party. And I was worried that I would not be able to get him to school. I was trying to think of different options. But there really wasn't any - except that I take him.
I was able to catch some zzzzz's and DH called at about 6:30 am. He suggested that I not take DS to school anymore. I adamantly refused. He had been looking forward to this party and giving away his presents and stuff. He would have been devastated if he had to miss school! I was resolved to take him to school even if the pain will make me cry. DH suggested that I strap up my ankle to see if that would help. And it did! A LOT! It kept my ankle still enough that even if I twitched my toes, it did not move which meant no pain. Long story short, I got DS to school. He took the juice I was supposed to bring to the school office himself. A huge undertaking, I might add since it was a 1 gallon thing. Quite heavy for a kindergartener who had his back pack stuffed with presents and a lunchbox on the other arm. I was supposed to help out at the party but did not get to go of course. I felt bad but what can you do, right? I spent the day in bed. My 2 girls were stuck in front of the TV. DH picked up DS from school and did my scheduled Costco food shopping. We just had pizza for dinner. By evening, my foot felt a lot better. By this morning, I had full use of my foot. Well, there is still some pain but not enough to keep me from doing my usual Mommy stuff. So, all is back to normal in my Mommy life. Thank God it turned out to be only a mild sprain!


Anonymous | Friday, December 22, 2006 8:05:00 PM

That was too bad. I have never sprained my ankle. But when I was pregnant with my last two babies, I would bump my toe on the leg of the kitchen chair and it would also hurt. But I guess not as much as it hurt your ankle. Good thing you're alright now.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. And take care.

Anonymous | Friday, December 22, 2006 10:06:00 PM

Merry Christmas, Joy! Its nice to hear that you are alright. Take Care!