12 Months = 12 pictures {May}

We had a pretty busy May as a family.
1. DH was still waiting on the processing of his papers and requirements at his new job. For some reason, this was taking such a long time. He busied himself at home by fixing stuff. A major project he undertook was our sprinkler system. What started out as a small project to change the sprinkler heads turned into a major one when he needed to replace some of the pipes. Major digging and time under the sun was invested. He had been working on it for several days in fact when a car stopped in front of our yard and asked him if he did this for a living! LOL! I guess they were looking for someone to fix their system too. At least he looked like he knew what he was doing right? It's a good thing it wasn't as hot and dry as it would've been during the summer. I bet I would've needed to lather him up with argan oil for skin had he done this at the height of summer.
2. I was pretty busy catching up on admin stuff for our little homeschool. Well, not just admin stuff but overall homeschool stuff including the kids' lessons. I guess we really did not need to catch up on anything because we were already ahead, except in Science and History. I also was plugging along on my workout regimen. It was stalled however when we went on our pre-Memorial weekend vacation. Sigh. I seriously need to get back to it.
3. DS made his CA missions diorama for his co-op class. He did well. He also took his STAR test, the standardized test for California. We spent a few days preparing for it. He said it was a breeze! LOL! He's testing higher than his peers so I'm not really worried. The reviewers did point out a hole in our language arts program. It wasn't too big that it could not be learned in the few days we were studying for it.
DD1 lost her upper front tooth this month too. The tooth fairy gave him $5 for it. That tooth fairy must have a lot of cash on him. LOL! Along with DS, they are now going to a new piano teacher at a new timeslot. It's still the same school but I requested for a new day and time - Thursdays at 2, instead of Tuesdays at 3. The kids and I prefer their new teacher over the old one. She gives them extra materials to work on other than the pieces on their lesson books. We also received the flower girl dress she will be wearing for her ninang's wedding in September. The dress fits her perfectly. I hope that she won't grow too much from now till the wedding.
DD2 is doing very well with her reading. It is amazing to see her progress. She is also doing well in Math. I have her on a new math program - Math-U-See. She's on the alpha level. She'll continue on this next school year. She and DD1 were part of a short skit that their class presented during our lat co-op meeting. So cute! I think they were the only ones in class to have memorized all their lines.
DD3 continues to be precocious as ever. She welcomed back her dearest lolo from his month-long vacation in the Philippines.
DD4 turned 2 months old. How fast time flies!! I know I will keep saying that every month because that is how I feel all the time. I love love this little baby and I feel so fortunate to be blessed with such a bundle of joy. She received bags full of clothes from the A family, a homeschooling family in our co-op. She lent us clothes her daughter had outgrown. :)
4. We celebrated Mother's Day with dinner at Shakey's after church. Simple. I had a bit of drama as I was just not feeling validated and appreciated earlier in the day. We also celebrated the last day of co-op with the usual taco bar. I wish it were fancier but I'll take it. LOL! We also had our big road trip to Yosemite and San Francisco that I have not yet fully blogged about. I need to blog about so many things yet I find myself terribly without the time to do it. Oh well...
We spent Memorial Day at Disneyland. Again. Yes, we're really maximizing our annual passes! LOL! Personally, I'm not a huge fan but DH and the kids enjoy our Disney outings a lot. As for me, just give me a turkey leg and I'm good. Hehe.

This was May 2011.