Prayer for Your Husband
This prayer was posted at Faith and Family Live! blog. Indeed, one of the best ways we can support our husbands is to pray for them often.The author wrote that she has this printed and taped up above her kitchen sink to remind her to pray for her husband during the day - a physical reminder of the importance of praying for your husband. I might do just that. I'll print this up and tape it up in our school room or refrigerator.
Lord, bless and preserve my cherished husband, whom You have given me: Let his life be long and blessed, comfortable and holy; let me ever be a blessing and a comfort to him, a sharer in all his sorrows, a consolation in all the accidents and trials of life; make me forever lovable in his eyes and forever dear to him; unite his heart to mine in fondest love and holiness, and mine to him in all sweetness, charity, and submission. Keep me from all ungentleness; make me humble and obedient, that we may delight in each other according to Your blessed word. May both of us rejoice in You, having our portion in the love and service of God forever.
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